Vegan protein sources: enough protein every day

Most people mistakenly assume that protein is primarily found in animal products. You eat meat and cheese to get enough protein. Or? Not quite. This knowledge is long outdated. There are enough plant-based sources of protein, so that even vegans can easily meet their protein needs. And in a really healthy way. Because plant-based foods not only offer us large amounts of proteins, but also many important nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, athletes can also cover their protein needs with vegan proteins - if they do it right.

What do you have to pay attention to?

Not every plant-based food is high in protein. Fruit, vegetables and sprouts, for example, tend to be low in protein. But legumes such as chickpeas, beans, nuts and seeds have it all the more. Legumes in particular have the edge and can easily keep up with protein-rich animal foods.

For this reason, Löwenshare's ready meals also contain a lot of legumes, such as chickpeas, beans and lentils. We use it to create sophisticated meals that you can warm up and enjoy at home or on the go in no time at all. In this way, you can easily integrate sufficient and, above all, vegan proteins into your everyday life.

In any case, it makes sense to combine the available vegetable protein sources with each other. A balanced diet is therefore recommended in one way or another. In order to get enough protein, legumes can be on the table every day. But don't worry: Even if you don't eat legumes every day, the risk of suffering from a protein deficiency is low. Although the concern about a protein deficiency is usually great, it is unfounded in most cases.

Combining proteins from plant foods

If you want to eat a healthy vegan diet and keep an eye on your protein needs, you should consume a lot of legumes. Peas, beans, lentils, soy and chickpeas are just the thing here.

Nuts and seeds are also rich in protein. In addition, regularly eat lots of fruit and vegetables as well as high-quality carbohydrates from whole-grain pasta, whole-grain rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes or pseudo-cereals - and you're already supplied with all the important nutrients.

What are the best plant-based foods high in protein?

  1. seitan

Seitan has a high protein content and is often used as a meat substitute. By the way, seitan has been around for a long time. It was invented by Buddhist monks who were not allowed to eat meat. So it is not a new replacement product and is now available everywhere. Seitan is made from wheat protein.

  1. nuts

Nuts are very versatile and healthy. You should be eating a handful of it every day anyway. Alternatively, nut butters are a good choice, they can be used in cooking, sauces, soups and cereals. 

  1. tempeh

Tempeh is still largely unknown, it is a product that is made from soy similar to tofu. Tempeh is fermented soy that can be marinated or fried and then used in many ways.

  1. tofu

Tofu has almost as much protein as tempeh and can be used in just as many ways. The taste is more neutral than that of tempeh, so it is advisable to marinate the tofu well beforehand.

  1. amaranth

Amaranth is the power grain of the Incas and can be used like couscous or bulgur. Amaranth is also available popped, which is particularly suitable for muesli.

  1. oatmeal

Many do not know it, but: there is a lot of protein in oatmeal. This makes them the ideal breakfast food, and they are also versatile, healthy and very filling. 

  1. lenses

Lentils can be served not only as a side dish, but also as a main course, for example in a stew or as a lentil salad. There are many variants: green, red, brown, black, so that many dishes can be created with them. Lentil patties are also a good source of protein. For example, we use them in our vegan mountain lentil stew.

  1. beans

White beans, green beans, black beans: the selection here is just as large as with lentils. You can eat beans as a side dish or use them in a stew, in a salad or as a patty.

  1. Chickpeas

A classic made from chickpeas is hummus. It goes well with falafel, vegetables, bread, pasta and is perfect for bowls. Whole chickpeas are ideal in salads and stews.

  1. linseed

Flaxseed has a favorable ratio between omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and is therefore healthy. But their protein content is also impressive. They are ideal in the morning muesli or as a topping on the salad. 

  1. quinoa

Quinoa is a pseudocereal that can be used like rice. It is super healthy and also available in a popped version, for example for muesli.

  1. broccoli

No, vegetables don't contain a lot of protein! Broccoli is a notable exception. Compared to other vegetables, it contains a lot of protein and many nutrients.

Can the body utilize proteins from plant foods just as well as from animal ones?

yes he can The quality of the proteins does not depend on whether it comes from the animal or not, but on the amino acid profile. The body can derive the greatest benefit from proteins when foods contain all the essential amino acids. It is therefore important to combine the vegetable proteins mentioned and not just rely on one source, as some foods have a rather unfavorable amino acid profile.

Vegan powders and shakes

Many athletes try to cover their protein requirements with protein drinks, among other things. Although this is not absolutely necessary with a good and balanced diet, it does not speak against it.

Protein drinks are also available in vegan versions. For example from rice, hemp, peas etc.

The daily portion of protein - ready meals by Löwenanteil

We love vegan, fast and delicious cuisine. That is why we have designed vegan ready meals that provide you with a particularly large amount of plant-based protein. Our chili, our stews and our chickpea curry therefore contain a lot of legumes. Not only do they taste super good, they are also a great alternative source of protein to animal proteins.

All our dishes are made from organic ingredients, for the sake of the environment and your body. The practical thing: the dishes are packaged in environmentally friendly glasses and can be stored in them for over a year. It only takes 3 minutes to prepare. Enjoy your meal!