Eat for work - get energy!
Do you spend your lunch break with a delicious lunch? Or do you order a pizza and devour it in front of the computer screen? A balanced lunch is not only healthy, but also gives you new energy for the rest of the working day. Eating makes you tired? Yes - but only if you eat the wrong thing! On the contrary, a healthy meal for work can also ensure that you can concentrate much better again and are more productive. What's your lunch like for work?
If we look at the current stress statistics, then 80% of all Germans say that they are stressed. Accordingly, 4 out of 5 people find that the stress level in everyday life is too high. Of course, this stress has a major impact on all areas of life – including nutrition. When we're stressed, we try to save time at every turn to relax the daily routine. We often do the same with nutrition. We will show you time-saving ways how you can still eat healthy at work and provide your body with enough energy - without a midday slump!
Food for work: Don't be a diva
There are two different types of colleagues in the office. Some people skip their lunch break from time to time or don't bring a balanced, filling meal with them. Eventually hunger gnaws - and when there is nothing, the diva comes to the fore. Bad mood in the office? No thanks! Then there is this one colleague – maybe you know him too – who always has something delicious with him. As soon as he put his lunch in the microwave, the smell of delicious food wafted through the office and everyone else's mouth watered.
what type do you want to be

Food & work – they go together!
In order to work in a concentrated and effective manner, balanced meals in between are important. While you work, your body burns calories 24/7. In a job that involves physical work, muscles and the like are used more. The thinker in front of the computer screen also has a decent calorie consumption. Especially if he is an active recreational athlete. Of course, the more muscles in the body can work, the higher the energy consumption. So don't take the risk that your work suffers because you don't eat or eat the right things.
Eating at work is important for your performance
If you don't eat or drink anything for too long, your body will slide towards low blood sugar. You can't use that right now? There is still a pitch later and the new order also has to be processed. But: If you don't take a break now and supply your body with the necessary energy, your performance will drop. You can no longer concentrate and you may even get stomach ache. Some people even struggle with dizziness or shaky hands on the computer keyboard. That doesn't make your job any easier. So give yourself a break with a healthy lunch for work.
Healthy Eating Lunch Break: The Perfect Meal
Not every meal is good for your lunch break. Maybe you know it: Colleagues order from the Italian around the corner. Your taste buds are happy about a pizza – but your head is not. Because the fast food makes your body sluggish and you get tired. The so-called midday low is looming. This is very easy to prevent: just prepare your own lunch for work! This way you have control over the ingredients and can simply leave the annoying midday slump behind you with a balanced meal. Because whether you are overcome by tiredness or new energy depends entirely on the ingredients of your lunch.
Lunch work - energy for new tasks
Let's take a closer look at the pizza: carbohydrates from wheat flour, fat from the cheese and salami, and some tomato sauce. Does that sound balanced? Unfortunately not really. Balanced means: healthy carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, a good portion of protein and of course fiber and maybe even vitamins. Have you been doing sports for a long time? Then you have probably already taken a closer look at the individual components and a healthy diet. If not, here's a little cheat sheet:
Healthy carbohydrates: The so-called good carbohydrates give your body enough energy for the rest of the working day. And not just for a short period of time. Contrary to the bad carbohydrates, they ensure a longer-term supply of energy. You can find the good carbs in bananas, oatmeal, rice or beans, for example.
- Essential Fatty Acids: Fat isn't always bad. The body even depends on some fats. These include the essential fatty acids. They support your immune system and ensure that many processes in your body run correctly. They are like the oil on the bicycle chain, so to speak. The essential fatty acids are hidden in nuts and vegetable oils, among other things.
- Protein: Proteins are important for your body. Because they contribute to muscle formation and accelerate both the metabolism and fat burning. It doesn't matter whether the protein is animal or vegetable. It is found in meat, dairy products, soy and legumes.
- Roughage: These substances fill you up particularly well and sustainably. They boost digestion and have a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber is only found in plant foods, such as fruit, vegetables and legumes.
- Vitamins: Whether A, B or E - our body needs vitamins for its metabolism and strong defenses. Since it cannot form them on its own, you have to absorb them through your diet. They are waiting for you in meat, fish, vegetables or fruit.

Digression: Carbohydrates - good or bad?
Carbohydrates have a hard time - their bad reputation precedes them. Do you also know the large number of low-carb diets? Carbohydrates are bad, we are often told. However, this cannot be generalized at all. There are good and bad carbohydrates. If you know the difference, you don't have to do without carbohydrates in your lunch break.
Bad carbohydrates - tiredness and hunger guaranteed
The short-chain carbohydrates are rather bad for your concentration in the office. They often hide in fast food, like your delicious pizza. These carbohydrates have a quick effect, but they don't have a particularly long-lasting effect: they go directly into your blood after eating during your lunch break and thus provide you with new energy relatively quickly. But this is also where the problem lies: The simple carbs contain hardly any ballast or nutrients and give your body nothing apart from quick energy. They quickly affect your blood sugar level, but are processed just as quickly. This means that your blood sugar level drops again after a short time, and the short-chain carbohydrates do not fill you up for long. As your body processes them, you become tired. Afterwards you will be hungry again and you may have unhealthy snacks. Bad carbs include white bread, pasta, pastries, candy, or french fries.
Good carbohydrates have a lasting effect
Unlike short-chain carbohydrates, long-chain carbohydrates keep you full for a longer period of time. Your body takes longer to process the long-chain carbohydrates. This allows him to feed on them for longer and you stay full longer. Your blood sugar level rises more slowly and also falls more slowly. Food cravings stay away. In addition to energy, they provide you with valuable nutrients and minerals. Long-chain carbohydrates include nuts, whole wheat pasta, fruit, vegetables, legumes, and potatoes.
You don't have to give up carbohydrates when eating healthy for work. On the contrary: They are valuable sources of energy and you can use energy in the office. The only important thing is that you use long-chain carbohydrates for your recipes. They fill you up for a long time, but don't make you tired.
Good reasons not to eat healthy
Of course we know that there are some reasons not to eat well and healthily during the lunch break. To-go dishes at the bakery, your favorite snack bar or something from the refrigerated department is simply very tempting. They are quick to prepare and taste good. The problem with these ready meals is the ingredients on the one hand and the flavor enhancers on the other. In Asian packet soups, for example, you often don't taste a natural aroma, but artificial flavor enhancers. These simulate that the soup or ramen noodles taste like chicken - there is no chicken in them at all. In addition, such ready meals for work do not offer you any nutrients. They fill you up for a moment - that's all. A lot more is happening on a health level. Studies have shown that the likelihood of cardiovascular events such as high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke increases by around 23% when eating normal ready meals. The trans fats often contained in ready-to-eat foods also promote obesity, which in turn can lead to numerous other diseases.
>>> Chipotle Chili from Löwenanteil <<<
More reasons to eat healthy
A healthy lunch tastes insanely good. If you prepare it yourself, you can simply cook whatever you feel like - as long as it is balanced. This means that you can look forward to your lunch break as soon as you pack your food in the morning. And while your colleagues nibble their lunch break, you spoon up your favorite stew. It is neither heavy on your stomach nor does it make you tired. And best of all: A healthy meal makes work much easier. Your body receives valuable energy that you can convert into concentration and performance. Below you can see some of the numerous reasons to eat healthy at a glance:
- healthy nutrition helps your body to strengthen your immune system
- Good fats provide long-lasting energy and can be used properly by the body
- Proteins support your muscle function and regeneration
- sufficient fiber supports your natural intestinal flora
- Eating a balanced diet helps prevent deficiency symptoms
- you get to know and love the natural taste again
- you'll be more full and stuff less
Preparation is everything: cook quick meals for work
Have you ever heard of so-called "food prepping"? The term stands for the preparation of meals. You mostly see him in the fitness area. This is where the athletes prepare meals, some of which are sophisticated. Not just for lunch in a few hours, but for several days. This saves them time and effort. Simply cook everything at once, chill or freeze and take it with you. So you always have a healthy meal ready and don't have to resort to unhealthy to-go dishes. But food prepping doesn't have to be that big. Instead of cooking for several days at a time, you can simply cook an extra portion in the evening that you can enjoy in the office the next day.
What does your perfect quick meal for work actually look like? Are you more of a muesli type or do you love a hearty, warm meal? We have a few tips and recipes for you and your lunch break in the office.
Healthy recipes for work - what's your favorite?
What does your hunger say during the lunch break? do you have a sweet tooth Everyone has different preferences for healthy eating at work. Bring variety into your fridge and be inspired by our recipes and ideas.
The salad – easy, quick and crispy refreshing
Lunch break salad. This is a real classic. The fresh vegetables are good for your soul, especially in summer, and refill your stores. Many have the problem that a green salad doesn't really fill them up. Our tip: add variety to your salad! Who says a lettuce has to be completely green? Sure, the green leaves alone don't give you a great feeling of satiety. We can help out:
Simple and delicious for your break: Mexican salad
The Mexican lettuce is a real filling food - and also a good source of protein. For the salad you need:
Green salad,
kidney beans,
feta cheese,
tomatoes and
You can also fry some minced meat or add the delicious Lion 's Share organic quinoa . It is quick to prepare, tastes good and is healthy! The kidney beans give you a good portion of protein. You can change the remaining ingredients as you like, as well as the dressing of your choice. Get creative - create your new favorite salad!
Food for work recipes: stews will conquer your hunger
When you think of stews, you might first think of less tasty canned meals. However, we mean healthy, delicious, and nutritious stews that you can make at home with the right recipes, patience, and preparation. Browse the internet a little and click through many different recipes. Whether beans, broccoli or carrots - you can accommodate your favorite ingredients in a stew. You don't have to follow rigid recipes to have healthy food at work. You can get creative with stews, substituting other ingredients and adding your own taste. With the right seasoning, you can turn a bland stew into a delicious, hearty stew.
Healthy food at work – muesli with an addictive factor
If you have a sweet tooth, you can bake delicious quark casseroles. However, good old muesli is simpler. But: It's best to stay away from cornflakes and the like. These often contain a lot of hidden sugars and short-chain carbohydrates. Before you buy, look at the nutritional information on the package. This way you can be sure that you are actually doing your body a favor by eating. You can find tons of granola bowl recipes online using ingredients like chia seeds and fresh fruit. With long-chain carbohydrates, such as in oatmeal, muesli gives you a strong foundation for the rest of your working day. There are even special recipes for so-called overnight oats. These are mueslis that you let soak in milk in the fridge overnight. The only thing you need to take them to-go is a really tight glass.
Work Eat - eat healthy without cooking
Don't feel like thinking about a healthy lunch before you go to work? For the sake of your health, you should still avoid reaching for any ready-made meal. Instead, grab a ready-made meal from the Löwenanteil . No unnecessary calories, no annoying additives, no flavor enhancers - but with lots of protein, fiber and healthy fats. Almost as if you had stood in the kitchen yourself and conjured up exactly what you want in the office. after just 90 seconds in the microwave, your new favorite dish is already on the table. For those with a sweet tooth, you can, for example, prepare your own porridge or let them taste the Löwenshare snack balls !
Healthy eating starts with the ingredients
Organic matters. Because if you keep consuming pesticides and other pesticides in your salad, your smoothie or something else - or even antibiotics through meat - that's not healthy in the long run either. Therefore, pay attention to the ingredients you use for your lunch. Sure - organic is sometimes more expensive. We can only recommend: Instead of searching the organic department of your supermarket around the corner, make a detour to the right organic market in your city. Here you will find offers that your normal supermarket cannot offer you.
Healthy food for work recipes – our tips
- A green salad doesn't fill you up? Supplement it with long-chain carbohydrates: A few pasta turns a tomato and mozzarella salad into a real energy bomb.
- Would you like some extra vitamins? Instead of drinking bland water, you can just squeeze half a lemon or lime over your glass. Sour makes fun - and is healthy!
- Nuts are healthy - and not just a tasty snack. With them as a topping you give salads and mueslis the finishing touch.
- You don't like the muesli from the supermarket? Just make your own granola. You can choose and vary the ingredients yourself.
- Do you love short-chain carbohydrate dishes? Transform them with the right ingredients. Substitute oatmeal for wheat flour in a pancake or waffle recipe for a more wholesome meal.
- Don't want to cook yourself? No problem! Fortunately, there are enough people who have made this their passion. For example us. Browse through our range and put together your own lion meal .
Recipes for work - follow your good taste
A recipe is only a guide, not a fixed specification. So be creative and cook your healthy lunch according to your taste. Follow our tips and try to cook the dishes as richly as possible. Healthy carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, proteins and fiber are just as important as taste. With pre-cooked food you leave the midday slump in the office behind you and do your figure a favor at the same time. Because you will also notice the healthy meals in your appearance. If you want to get creative yourself, then we have collected some very tasty and suitable recipes for you here!
Healthy Lunch Work: Good for the body, good for the soul
With healthy food you support your body's own defences. Unfortunately, eating a pizza every lunchtime is not doing your immune system any favors. Instead, you take in bad carbohydrates, fat and unfortunately only a few vegetables. There is another way! Your body loves vitamins - and so do your taste buds. Does your stomach sometimes groan for a small snack in the morning? Fruits rich in vitamins are particularly suitable for this. Apple, pear or orange are particularly good for your immune system.